Apex Maternity Photographer | Expecting Henry

Apex Maternity Photographer | Expecting Henry

It was such a pleasure to meet this family of three, soon to be four! Courtney, Amanda, and Holden were expecting baby brother Henry in just a few short weeks when we met up this fall at Joyner Park in Wake Forest to capture some beautiful memories together. We had a beautifully warm October evening…I love when the weather and the light come together like magic!

Courtney and Amanda told me that Holden doesn’t give away his smiles very easily, and that turned out to be true! I am a total sucker for his pouty lip though…it’s just so cute! I don’t know how you can say no to that face. And we did manage to get a few smiles here and there after all!

Expecting Henry | Apex Maternity Photographer
Expecting Henry | Apex Maternity Photographer
Expecting Henry | Apex Maternity Photographer
Expecting Henry | Apex Maternity Photographer
Expecting Henry | Apex Maternity Photographer

We had so much fun together during our session that I almost forgot to capture some photos of Courtney alone! She looks beautiful in that sage green, doesn’t she?

Coming soon: Henry’s newborn photos! Stay tuned!

Apex Maternity Photographer | Expecting Henry

Interested in maternity photography for your impending new arrival? Contact me today for information and availability!

And bonus – check out my colleague Meliza Orellana’s blog post about ways to include your family in your maternity session!

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